Mayor Lipani and Committeeman Jim Ruh joined Congressman Tom Kean Jr. met at Route 206 to discuss the challenges positioned on the Township due to the State shutting down the project early without having a back-up plan in place. Picture courtesy of Tapinto The heat is on after Mayor Lipani invited Congressman Tom Kean Jr. Prior to the Kean visit, the New Jersey DOT felt the pressure from your Republican leadership team as the DOT specifically responded to Deputy Mayor Britting, through the press, after he openly challenged the State for shutting the project down prematurely. Picture courtesy of Patch and Hillsborough Township YouTube page
Hillsborough Republicans never back down. Your leadership team is motivated to do whatever it takes to make sure Hillsborough is protected. Your Republican leadership, through the Township Administration and Business office, launched a petition for all businesses along 206 to sign and then to send to the State highlighting the negative impact poor planning at the State level is having on Hillsborough. When the project was first halted Mayor Lipani stated, "We're disappointed" while he read the letter to the public that was received from the State. The Mayor represented the entire team point-of-view when he projected his frustration. As for the petition launched this past week, your leadership maintained their focus on supporting the businesses impacted by the State decision to halt the project. "The whole idea (for the petition) is to support the businesses that have been pushed off to the side by the state delaying this project," said Deputy Mayor Bob Britting. "They've put the entire town at a standstill on the most widely-used road between Bridgewater and Princeton, and we don't have any power to fix it." he added. "What the DOT has done is given everybody a sense that the state just doesn't care; you can see it all over social media," Britting said. Don't you think... The State leadership should be more like your Hillsborough Republican team, who plans effectively with a long-term mindset and put residents first. Picture courtesy of TapInto
Original article: Mayor Lipani, Committeeman Ciccarelli and Committeeman Ruh stand proud to support the Jason Walton 5k Run. The reason we do what we do, is to help and support the people around us. Be proud of your Republican team. They care immensely. Picture courtesy of the Hillsborough Republican Facebook page.
"Hillsborough residents have spoken and we are pleased to once again bring a commuter bus service to town to help ease their travel to work." - Deputy Mayor Britting Your Republican team is in it for the residents. In order to continue to live in one of the best places in the USA your Republican team consistently focuses on what is best for the people living here. Whether it be passing ordinances to restrict warehouses, block tractor trailers from country roads, to maintaining flat tax rate, to enhancing social services, to advancing the recreation offerings, to keeping the promise to fix roads on a yearly basis, to supporting our best-in-class police force to now helping commuters to work, Republicans are the team to lead Hillsborough. Picture courtesy of the Patch
Hillsborough Republicans showed up in force to support our 2023 candidates - Committeeman Jim RUH and Catherine PAYNE. We ate, we played and we shared common sense perspectives at The Landing. The children had a blast and now were off for the races to win BOTH Township Committee seats this November!
The annual Hillsborough Rotary Fair was opened on Tuesday night and Republicans showed up in force. Mayor Lipani kicked off the festivities. Phot credit of TapInto: Mayor Lipani cuts the ribbon to start the festivities. Mayor Lipani, Committeeman Joh Ciccarelli, Deputy Mayor Britting (With Christian and Robbie) and Catherine PAYNE (Running for '23 Township Committee)! Catherine worked the Fair the entire week! She focused on supporting Gigi's Playhouse and creating awareness for those in need. Committeeman Jim RUH is in it for the youth sports athletes as he dipped his toe in the dunk tank a few times... to support the youth track team. Mayor Lipani and Committeeman Doug Tomson took a dip in the dunk tank to support the cause as well!
Hillsborough Republicans from multiple organizations showed up to the the Hillsborough Star Diner to show support for Mike Pappas for State Senate, sponsored by our future Governor Jack Ciattarelli. Mike Pappas is leading the incumbent Democrat by 3 points... The Senate and Assembly races are extremely close this year. WE must get out to vote. By mail. Or live, either early (new opportunity to vote) or on November 7th. REPUBLICANs are within inches of taking New Jersey back! Photo credit: Mike Pappas campaign Hillsborough Republicans gathered to support Mike Pappas. From Hillsborough Deputy Mayor Robert Britting, to Board of Education member "Respecting Parents" Joel Davis, to Hillsborough Republican Club President and Vice President Ron Skobo and Toni Natale, to distinguished members of the community. This is a diverse group that truly care about common sense and a better Hillsborough.
Hillsborough Republican leaders showed up in strong force to support our wonderful police department. From, the Mayor (Shawn Lipani), to Deputy Mayor (Robert Britting), to all committee members (John Ciccarelli, Doug Tomson and Jim Ruh) who all took time to make sure residents know that this leadership team supports a safe town, led by Chief McMahon and his incredible team of 60+ police officers. Original article: Phot credit: TapInto Hillsborough NJ