Committeeman Ciccarelli holds campaign promise to focus on infrastructure and roads. Take a read from the Patch - Link below,
Courtesy of the Patch (2/16/23): HILLSBOROUGH, NJ — The final and third phase of the Amsterdam Drive project has received funding, said Hillsborough Committeeman John Ciccarelli at the Tuesday meeting. The New Jersey Department of Transportation awarded a Local Aid grant to the township for $368,400 for the repaving of Amsterdam Drive. "The township received grants for all three phases so full repaving will be at a minimal cost to the township," said Ciccarelli. The first phase of the project which included portions of the roadway between Millstone River Road and Vliet Drive was completed in 2022. The second phase, which includes Amsterdam Drive between Vliet Drive and Murphy Drive, will begin this coming spring, said Ciccarelli. The final and third phase still needs to be designed and approved by NJDOT before it can go out to bid. Ciccarelli anticipates work to begin on the final phase, which includes the roadway between Murphy Drive and Amwell Road, in 2024. Comments are closed.